Film and Video

Creative TV ads use the power of live programs to reach the minds of viewers and inspire them to make purchasing behaviour. TV advertisements can be quite effective in launching a new product or new product variant. It can also be used to influence people to join a purpose like done for joining military operations in Afghanistan where filming was done in a live war zone which inspired many people to join the army. A TV ad, which is well executed, can make us go through all kind of emotions like happiness, sadness, smiles, fear, etc. in a very short span of time. This can be done through latest TVC. TV ads, if times and executed properly, can reach millions within a span of minutes (or less) through inspiring ads, inspiring short films or an inspiring film. It need not necessarily be a traditional ad. Rather such ads can be explored in such a way that it breaks the status quo of traditional and contemporary advertisements.

Green Mission - Recycle your old car battery properly
Green Mission – Recycle your old car battery properly

In Greece, many people do not realize that an old car battery can be extremely…

United States Census Bureau 2020 - “Who Am I”
United States Census Bureau 2020 – “Who Am I”

“Who I Am,” a new PSA for the US Census, is a celebration of tribal…

Galalite Screens - #BeTheLite
Galalite Screens – Can Visually Impaired Kids Draw?

On the occasion of World Sight Day, Openspace unveils a heart touching digital video for…

UN Women - Courage to Question series in Virtual Reality | Supported by Google
UN Women – Courage to Question series in Virtual Reality | Supported by Google

The Courage to Question series brings you face to face with women’s rights activists across…

Swiggy - More powerful than prayer - Karva Chauth
Swiggy driving change on Karva Chauth – More powerful than prayer

Swiggy is India’s largest food delivery app, employing over 200,000 delivery partners. However, a lot…

50/50 Vision - Göteborg Film Festival 2020
Göteborg Film Festival to Challenge One-Eyed Film Industry by Launching 50/50 Vision and Promising Gender Parity in 2020

50/50 Vision – Göteborg Film Festival In Hollywood, 96% of film directors are men. In…

Kia - UEFA Europa League l Football
Kia Celebrates Football Fans’ Dedication with UEFA Europa League

Kia Motors has teamed up with Innocean, Sydney/Seoul-based production company Call time, and production service…

Maruti Suzuki Arena - #GharAayaTyohar
#GharAayaTyohar celebrates year-long festival called ‘Maruti Suzuki’

The latest festive campaign from the house of Maruti Suzuki, #GharAayaTyohar If there is one…

Project Streedhan - Anaemia
Project Streedhan – to raise awareness about Anaemia among urban Indian women | #InvestInIron

Project Streedhan, a novel campaign that emanates out of the fact that India ranks the…

Hindustan - Aathwa Phera | Gender Equality
Hindustan Newspaper – Aathwa Phera, the message of gender equality in society

Dentsu Impact has released its latest campaign for the leading Hindi daily – Hindustan, from…

Tanishq Jewellery - #TanishqWaliDiwali
Tanishq Jewellery – Aao Manaaye #TanishqWaliDiwali

Tanishq Jewellery has launched its latest film Aao Diwali ko sunharein rivaazon se sajaayein, dil…

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines celebrating 100 years
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines celebrates its anniversary with 100 years of progress

Today, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines is precisely one hundred years old. Founded in 1919, KLM…

Libresse - Viva La Vulva
Libresse – Viva La Vulva | A celebration of self-love

Over half think their vulva is imperfect. But there is only one perfect vulva. Yours!…

Great Guns campaign for Copenhagen’s new metro
Great Guns campaign for Copenhagen’s new metro line that celebrate the wonderfully diverse characters on public transport

We’ve all been there: jumping onboard our city’s Metro only to find ourselves stuck alongside…

NBA India Games 2019 #NBAInMyBackyard
NBA India Games 2019 – India gets introduced to the NBA experience with #NBAInMyBackyard

It all began in December 2018, when the world’s most popular professional Basketball league, the…