OOH Campaigns

Creative billboards are still an eye catcher. Some of the best outdoor campaigns of products and services are undertaken through outdoor campaigns. It helps in attracting the immediate attention of the viewer and starts a thought process in the viewer. More digitalised transactions on campaigns have limited the scope of out-of-home advertising (OOH) but it is still carried out with the same passion. There are loyal viewers of Best On ground Campaigns who are curious to know and watch what comes next through outdoor campaigns. It can help the marketer to gain immediate attention of viewers if done in a distinct manner. Outdoor advertisements and campaigns can also optimize the work of skilled and creative humans. The present digital way has almost killed the popularity of outdoor ads but then there are creative ways in which digital media is used to explore outdoor campaigns. This is done by connecting the physical location of campaigns through the digital platform.

azul airlines be santa helper cotw
Azul Airlines and Coca-Cola, invited it’s passengers to live a very rewarding experience.

Azul Airlines and Coca-Cola – be Santa’s helper for a day.

Factory 5 cotw ft
Factory 5 Bike Shop

Factory 5 Bike Shop

coca cola food court cotw
Coca-Cola – Food Court

The best time to drink Coca-Cola just might be While Your Tongue Is Young.

mini coke cotw 3
Mini kiosk for mini coke – Little things to make you happy

Coca Cola uses its dispensing units really well. And when it launched its tiny coke cans, it spread the word, and good cheer, by making a kiosk in a size to match.

violence is violence cotw
Violence is violence, no matter who it’s aimed at

40% of domestic violence is against men in the UK.

ecpat dolls cotw
Every time I’m touched, a piece of me is lost.

Every year, over 200,000 children in the US are at risk of being forced into Prostitution. Join the fight against this exploitation.

World Down Syndrome Day, #DearFutureMom
World Down Syndrome Day | #DearFutureMom

An expectant mother voiced her concern in a letter to CoorDown when she learnt that her to-b-born has been diagnosed with Down Syndrome.

The upgrade challenge by AirFrance
The upgrade challenge by AirFrance

See what happens at the boarding gate with Air France when you least expect it!

Fiat 500
Fiat Turns Pink. Then Runs Over Water. | Fiat 500

Fiat 500, the car loved dearly in Netherlands, celebrated the gay parade for love by turning pink.

Family Safety Instructions
Flying Safe With Family – Family Safety Instructions

Nobody wants to be away from their family on Xmas and New Year.

IKEA Bedroom Cinema
IKEA Bedroom Cinema

IKEA Bedroom Cinema Credits: Mint BBDO Group IKEA Russia Creative directors – Roman Firainer and…

A thought-provoking ride
A thought-provoking ride

Men ordering women about is not uncommon.

Mozambique Fashion Week
Mozambique Fashion Week: A fashion show that shows what’s not cool

Domestic violence is a reality that stays hidden behind closed doors, while gloss and glamour are paraded in full view.