ContentFly – Never Get Bored

Our generation today gets easily bored. Not many people read longer novels and shorter movies work better. As a matter of fact, so does shorter copy. This is an insight that reflects in our relationships too. The numbers of daily break-ups and divorces are scary and high. Simply because, we constantly want to see something new. At ContentFly, They create content that is original and new. So that you never get bored.
Brand: ContentFly
Campaign: Never Get Bored
Advertising Agency: Madison BMB, Mumbai, India
Creative Directors: Vallabh Yeolekar, Rohan Joseph
Art Director: Omkar Chavan
Copywriter: Amey Pandit
CEO & CCO: Raj Nair
Print, advertisement, Madison BMB, India for ContentFly, Media Campaign, Print advertising, Creative Print Ads, Print campaign, Creative Advert, Never Get Bored