Eesti Haigekassa – What’s Your Excuse?

Obesity in office workers is a big problem in Estonia. People don’t move enough. We needed to shake society through unexpected examples via Print advertisement. The campaign heroes were a swimmer, without hands and with only one whole leg, a 78-year-old marathon runner and a blind adventurer. All of them are more active than the average Estonian.
Brand: Eesti Haigekassa
Campaign: What’s Your Excuse?
Advertising Agency: Optimist Creative, Tallinn, Estonia
Creative Director: Oliver Lomp
Project Manager: Kadri-Liis Nikopensius
Art Director: Bruno Palmik
Copywriter: Oliver Lomp
Photographer: Ken Oja
Additional credits: Matz Topkin, Rein Pärn, Jakob Rosin
Print advertisement, Optimist Creative, Estonia for Eesti Haigekassa, Public Interest, NGO, Print advertising, Creative Print Ads, Print campaign, Creative Advert, What’s Your Excuse?, Eesti Haigekassa ads