Macrilen – the first and only FDA-approved oral test for the diagnosis of adult growth hormone deficiency

Do you suspect AGHD?
Introducing Macrilen—the first and only FDA-approved oral test for the diagnosis of adult growth hormone deficiency.
Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency (AGHD) is a rare disease affecting more than 50,000 adults in the US. For too long, testing for AGHD has been difficult. Tests like the insulin tolerance test (ITT) and the glucagon stimulation test (GST) are either inconvenient (IV/IM administration, duration of test) or time-consuming, and can cause serious adverse events like delayed hypoglycemia. Physicians (endocrinologists, in particular) are in need of a simple, efficient, and accurate test to confirm their suspicion of this rare disease.
This campaign highlights detection and oral dosing in a simple, clear, and memorable way. The campaign features a familiar hero – a detective, representing the healthcare professional, who is in search of a solution, which in this case is an AGHD diagnosis.
What makes this campaign unique is the composition of our detective. He is made up of Macrilen granules in a swirl of water. This represents Macrilen being reconstituted, highlighting the product benefits of oral dosing and simple preparation.
The detective very clearly communicates search and detection, while the swirling granules and the water environment communicate novel dosing. With this campaign, we seek to change the way that AGHD is diagnosed, by making testing more accessible to HCPs and patients.
Advertised brand: Macrilen
Advert title(s): Sherlock
Category: Pharmaceutical
Media (see available options below): Print
Advertising Agency: Neon, An FCB Health Network Company, New York, NY, USA
Agency website:
Creative Directors:
Creative Director Copy: Thomas Callan
Creative Director Art: Sean Green
Executive Creative Director: Kevin McHale
Art Director: Patty Huang
Copywriter: Alyvia Mann
Illustrator: Manipula
Additional credits: Client: Strongbridge Biopharma