Monterey Bay Aquarium: Be an Ocean Hero

A public outreach campaign from the Monterey Bay Aquarium promoting the efforts of community members that are doing their part to make the oceans cleaner. Be an Ocean Hero
Monterey Bay Aquarium launches a new media campaign today recognizing residents of the Monterey Bay region who exemplify its mission to inspire conservation of the ocean. In a series of “Ocean Heroes” profiles, the aquarium spotlights extraordinary ocean conservation efforts by everyday citizens and community leaders in Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito counties. The profiles will appear across a variety of media – from the sides of MST buses to television, radio, online and in movie theaters – from July through December of 2018.
The nonprofit Monterey Bay Aquarium’s “Ocean Heroes” campaign highlights residents who have contributed to the region’s social well-being. They’ve championed issues from ocean plastic pollution reduction and sustainable seafood, to climate change action and marine ecosystem health. In addition to celebrating these community members, the aquarium also hopes to inspire others to take action for the ocean by demonstrating how individuals and grassroots movements can have a positive impact in the community.
“Sustainability is not just about what we do today, but about preserving the planet and our food for the days to come.” – Soerke Peters
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Advertising Agency: Monterey Bay Aquarium Marketing Department, Monterey bay, United States of America
Kremer Johnson: Neil Kremer, Cory Johnson
Print advertising, Creative Print Ads, Print campaign, Creative Advert, United States, Public Interest, NGO, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Be an Ocean Hero