Nestle – #HelpParentsKnowGoodFood, Unhealthy food is not a reward
April 28, 2019

Nestle – #HelpParentsKnowGoodFood
We all love our children and sometimes it is more a blind love and in this love, we often forget what we are doing for our kids is right or wrong. and to reward their achievements, we offer them nothing but junk food. So, it’s a call from Nestle to the parents that they should know what’s good for for their kids.
Brand: Nestle
Campaign: Help parents know good food
Creative: Abhinav Pd
Art: Ramesh Sain
Print, India, Food, K&L, Print advertising, Creative Print Ads, Print campaign, Creative Advert, Know good food, Help Parents Know good food, Junk Food, #HelpParentsKnowGoodFood, Nutrition, Children