PPS For Professionals – Women Acknowledged, Campaign is a powerful stand against long-standing stereotypes

PPS For Professionals Women Acknowledged Campaign

The United States Federal Glass Ceiling Commission defines the glass ceiling as follows, “The invisible, yet unbreakable barrier keeping minorities as well as women from making their way to the upper rung of the commercial ladder, irrespective of their didactic records or accomplishments.” PPS For Professionals – Women Acknowledged Campaign is about breaking this glass ceiling and various other age-old stereotypes and barriers to entry and success for women professionals. Unfortunately, women professionals, many a time still, are considered inferior to their men counterparts just because they are looked upon as women rather than equally intellectual, diligent and conscientious professionals.

PPS is the largest financial services company in South Africa focused on graduate professionals and operating under the ethos of mutuality and equality. With their ‘Women Acknowledged’ campaign, it aims to bring stereotypes faced by women in workplaces to light as well as present a different viewpoint on the way professional women are looked upon and acknowledged in society today.

Each piece in the ‘Women acknowledged’ series focuses on women professionals forming the PPS For Professionals membership base comprising of engineers, accountants, architects, lawyers, doctors and dietetics.

PPS For Professionals Women Acknowledged Campaign

PPS For Professionals Women Acknowledged Campaign

PPS For Professionals Women Acknowledged Campaign

PPS For Professionals Women Acknowledged Campaign

PPS For Professionals Women Acknowledged Campaign

PPS For Professionals Women Acknowledged Campaign

PPS For Professionals Women Acknowledged Campaign

PPS For Professionals Women Acknowledged Campaign

“PPS is passionate about women and their success across industries. With this campaign, we hope to encourage women to break the glass ceiling and to create a community of professionals who can benefit from each other’s successes regardless of gender. At PPS, we believe that success is better shared by helping women to achieve their financial goals for prosperity,” says Ayanda Seboni, group executive: brand, marketing and communications at PPS.
PPS aims to take the internet by storm by way of print and digital media across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube as well as websites.

This Print advertising is about:
Gender inequality, PPS For Professionals, Women, Marketing, Financial, Women Acknowledged, Stereotype, Creative Print Ads, Creative Advertising Campaigns, Best digital campaigns, Glass Ceiling Commission, United States, Financial Services, Women professionals, South Africa

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