Project ISOLATED by Make Sense: We come out, they stay

“We dream as we live, alone,” said Joseph Conrad. For some, it is just a quote with deep emotions; for others, it is the ultimate reality – to live alone. Project ISOLATED by Make Sense agency captures the essence of this reality and brings it out in a bold manner. ISOLATED project highlights the life of people who are often forced to stay in isolation. People who do not get much attention or those who feel lonely inside and have no one to talk to. They have lived alone for so long that we don’t understand them instantly. But today, as most countries around the world are under lockdown, we are able to understand them.
We know what they may have gone through for years. People with active social lives are advised to remain at homes and practice social distancing. Is it easy? If your answer is known, think about all those you know are living alone. The outbreak of COVID-19 has turned the world upside down, and it is time to re-look at everything we have been doing in our lives. Creative minds are at their best to look at the nuances of the crisis and showcase to the world what we have never been able to see before or feel before. Krill Vasyutin, creative director of Make Sense, expressed that “I think right now is the time when people will learn how to hear and understand others, not just themselves.” He feels that this time of crisis will enable people to transform and people will look at other people with compassion.
Advertising Agency: Make Sense, Kyiv, Ukraine
Production Agency: Make Sence Ua
Executive Creative Director: Vasiutyn Kyrylo
Art Director: Bazina Helena
Design: Serdyuk Serhiy
Creative Copywriter: Karavanec Serhiy
Copywriter: Kseniia Korbut
Ceo: Tereshenko Kyrylo
Print advertising, Print Campaign, COVID 19, ISOLATED, Make Sense, Ukraine, Awareness Campaign, Coronavirus