Serviço Social Redentora – Searching for Hope | Print Advertising Campaign

The announcement was created by Serviço Social Redentora (Searching for Hope) in an attempt to alert people about the various social problems we face such as: Homophobia, older people looking for a job, depression, etc.
People with these problems often suffer in silence, trying to get answers on the internet, but in this way they can make the situation even worse.
So if we get into such a situation or meet someone who is, why not refer her to a psychologist?
Over 116,000,00 results.
People are searching for help all the time.
Do you want to help them?
Advertising Agency: Studio Ponto, São José do Rio Preto, Brazil
Creative Director / Art Director / Copywriter: Faustino Carmona
Print Advertising Campaign, Print Advert, Print Campaign, Searching for Hope, Serviço Social Redentora, Homophobia, Job Search, Creative, Studio Ponto, Brazil, Public Interest, NGO