Sonrisas de Bombay (Mumbai Smiles)- GIRL campaign to get equal rights

Sonrisas de Bombay (Mumbai Smiles) GIRL campaign with which they intend to fight against the situation and the difficulties faced by girls, young people and women in India.
“With your support, we will be able to continue working with the girls of the slums of Bombay and get changes so they can live free and confident, with their rights guaranteed and future opportunities. A transformation in their lives and in their communities.”
In India, a woman is raped every 20 minutes. Is it necessary to go so far to be respected?
In India, more than 30% women are illiterate. Do we have to come so far to get equal rights?
Verónica Blume has wanted to support the GIRL initiative, which has been launched since Sonrisas de Bombay. It is an initiative that fights against the situation of injustice and inequality in which the girls and young people of India live and that promotes access to their education.
Leticia Dolera
Visit Sonrisas de Bombay Website
Visit Mumbai Smiles website
Advertising Agency: Caldas Naya, Barcelona, Spain
Creative Director / Copywriter: Gustavo Caldas
Art Director: Mireia Puig
Account Directors: Fabiana Casañas, Aketz Zubia
Photographer: Juan Cruz Durán
Digital Retouching: Rubén Tresseras
Approval from the client: Isabel Luna, Ana Andrés, Jaume Sanllorente
Print, Spain, Public Interest, NGO, Sonrisas de Bombay, Caldas Naya, Creative Print Advertising, Mumbai Smiles, Girl Child Education Campaign, Equal Rights, Sexual abuse campaign, Veronica Blume, Leticia Dolera