TD Bank: Coin Poster – Teaching kids the value of saving, one coin at a time

TD Bank: Coin Poster

Teaching kids the value of saving, one coin at a time. — 78% of parents feel they aren’t successful at teaching their kids about money. During Financial Literacy Month, TD Bank created a tool to help parents teach. The TD Coin Poster is tactile savings account for kids. Along with their parents, kids could pick the item they wanted to save for and over time insert the coins needed to buy it. When all the slots were filled by the appropriate coins, the item could be bought. Each coin saved was an opportunity for parents to educate their kids about money.

TD Bank: Coin Poster

We created a set of 21” x 36” esca board posters, each featuring a shape of an object that a kid would desire…like a musical instrument, video game, toy and electronic accessory.

We created the shape of each item on our posters using custom coin grids, then I-Cut the coin shapes to fit the different coins circulating in Canada.

We determined how much it would take to actually buy each object, then designed each poster to visually depicted the total number of coins a kid would need to insert in the poster to buy their chosen item.

TD Bank: Coin Poster

TD Bank: Coin Poster

TD Bank: Coin Poster

1000 posters were handed out to parents and kids in just over five hours. Parents that initially refused to take a poster, came back to take one after considering the actual benefit for their kids. As a campaign, TD’s Financial Literacy initiative saw a 100% increase in web traffic to


Brand: TD Bank
Campaign: Coin Poster
Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett, Toronto, Canada
Creative Supervisor: Ben Tarr, Judy John, Lisa Greenberg, Chris Munnik, Kerry Reynolds
Writer: Dave Thornhill
Art Direction: Dejan Djuric
Design: Dejan Djuric
Digital Development: Alex Dabic
Production: Alex Postans, Flash Reproductions
Print Production: Gord Cathmoir, Kevin Stephen, Barry Durocher
Account Direction: Laurie Freeman, Brian Poleck, Genevieve Cote, Brandon Sellers, Brittany Valevicius
Strategy: Brent Nelsen

Direct Marketing, Design and Banking, Financial Services, Leo Burnett, Toronto, Canada, Print Campaign, Print Ad, Creative Advert

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