– The perfect Valentine’s Day spoof

Dating in today’s technologically-driven times is not a walk in the park. It’s extremely difficult to find someone you vibe without being ghosted a week later. So, to “solve’ this predicament, some concept artists and animators gave rise to a new platform called The platform showcases hot singles near you and delivers them to your doorstep. Well, if this sounds like a spoof to you, thank your instincts, because it is.
The animators behind Thinko partnered with Ani Acopian, Suzy Shinn, and Morgan Grue to bring this elaborate prank to life. The platform’s look-and-feel is an extension of However, the e-commerce giant has not made any comment about as of yet. So, before this pretend-platform shuts down, make sure you grab the ‘Deal of the Day’. This segment of the website is advertising an 87-year-old single man who “leaves a voicemail every time”.
We’re not sure what the intent behind this platform is, but we guess that’s just how spoofs are. Regardless, you can see the hours that the creators have put into the creation of this “new-age dating service”. If nothing else, it is mad fun!
Amazon Dating, Amazon, Valentines Day Ads, Valentines Day Campaign, Valentines Day 2020, Technology, Digital, Viral