ForteBank launches FooortePay, the longest bank advertisement in the world

FooortePay the longest bank advertisement in the world by ForteBank for its product FortePay (The FortePay service from ForteBank is the easiest way to send or receive money and pay for services).
In Kazakhstan, not everyone is accustomed to using plastic cards: 37% of Kazakhstanis withdraw funds as soon as they receive them.
To show that using cash is inconvenient, while ForteBank has a simple solution – transfers by phone number.
To shoot absurdly long-lasting advertisement which is uncomfortable and uneasy to watch, just like to use cash in the 21st century. But, in order to feel this, you need to watch the video for all 9 hours from start to finish.
We knew that no one would do that. For this reason exactly, we hid in the video 1 million KZT (phone number digits appeared throughout the entire video), which can be found only by watching the video from the very start to the very finish.
The longest bank advertisement in the world
Brand: ForteBank
Product: FortePay
Campaign: FooortePay – the longest bank advertisement in the world
Advertising Agency: RA Kombinat, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Creative Director: Nikita Yermolayev
Copywriter: Rassul Abidov Producer: Yelena Dmitriyeva
Art Director: Diana Korchevskaya
Cameraman: Ruslan Chernykh / Cheapass
Video Editing: Ruslan Chernykh / Cheapass Video, Viktor Brodyagin, Arthur Jandildin, Yevgeniy Pichugin / production
Marketing Director: Anton Kim
Senior Marketing Expert: Nurzhan Makhmudov
Website: FortePay
Website: ForteBank
Digital, Kazakhstan, Finance, ForteBank, RA Kombinat, FortePay, FooortePay, Best Digital Campaigns, Digital Marketing Trends, Best Online marketing strategies, social media campaigns