Hagglebot with Flipkart

Hagglebot with Flipkart

Flipkart gave its online shopping experience a more traditional touch with Hagglebot, which used Google Assistant’s voice technology. When Flipkart shoppers used Google Assistant it encouraged them to haggle down the prices of products using their voice.

Flipkart launched several limited-edition products available exclusively via the Hagglebot during its sales promotion. Each day, it released two new products during the sale and crowned the shopper who drove the hardest bargain the ‘Boss’. Whatever deal the ‘Boss’ secured then became the official Flipkart price of that product.
Body image for Flipkart’s haggling chatbot let customers earn their bargains

The Hagglebot was created with Google Zoo, the creative think-tank for agencies and brands, and agency Dentsu Webchutney. Before building the experience the team travelled to thirty bazaars across three cities to identify different bargaining strategies that were commonly used and then simulated them on Hagglebot.

This campaign is about:
Big Billion Days, Flipkart, Google Cloud Platform, Machine Learning, Google Assistant, Google voice technology, Dentsu Webchutney, eCommerce