Instituto Nacional Electoral – Tradúceme esta | The first step to bring politics closer to young people

Only IF, the agency that democratized the politics using “Hip Hop” for the National Electoral Institute (Instituto Nacional Electoral) – Tradúceme esta
The main problem for the INE is that young people do not approach politics because it uses a language that is not empathic or understandable by this type of audience.
Aware of this, the National Electoral Institute (INE), began working with the agency Only IF. That was clear from the beginning, that the policy had to adapt to the audience and not the other way around.
For this, They designed a second screen strategy that combined social networks and hip hop with the aim of creating an experience that would break with the established paradigms of how a presidential debate should be look and understand.
This action consisted of translating to “The Millennials” through social networks, terms used by candidates during the Second Presidential Debate of Mexico with rhymes of Hiphoperos, Ximbo and Danger distributed in video clips. Every time a candidate mentioned a difficult word to understand, a new rhyme appeared on the timeline of the institute democratizing the political language. This action refreshes the image and way of acting of the National Electoral Institute, with the intention that all Mexicans can be informed correctly when voting in the next presidential election.
At its launch, media such as El Universal, El Financiero, La Jornada and Expansión, as well as radio programs and important personalities from politics and music, began to talk about this action.
“We managed to transgress the type of media in which the INE is accustomed to be, reaching new media related to entertainment and captivating new audiences.The INE explained in the hands of our rappers what the candidates want to say in a language that all we can understand” explained Omar Fabián, vice president of the creative firm Only IF.
In this way, the citizens had a political glossary in real time that helped them to understand more clearly the proposals of the candidates for the presidency of the republic.
“The debates are key moments of reflection for the citizens, in which the proposals of the candidates are known, so we decided to generate an innovative strategy of digital content to make the young people turn around to see us” says Roberto Heycher, Director of Electoral Training and Civic Culture of the INE.
In this way “Tradúceme esta” is the first step to bring politics closer to young people, which will be a watershed in the history of the National Electoral Institute who are taking risks and changing the rules in order to achieve their commitment to form the best elections that we can have.
Campaign: Tradúceme esta
Client: Instituto Nacional Electoral
Lead Team: Omar Fabian, Jorge Shahin, Rocio Cuadra
Creative Team: Chirri, Leonardo Orozco, Diego Arevalo, Yura Zamudio
Account team: Daniela Laya, Maribel Soria.
Production: Lis Mireles
Rap Talent: Danger y Ximbo