PornHub – The Dirtiest Porn Ever | Get down and dirty

At Pornhub, we’re all about getting dirty. But when it comes to the millions of tons of waste that wash up on the world’s shores each year, we could all stand to clean up our act. That’s why we teamed up with porn power couple LeoLulu to create The Dirtiest Porn Ever: An adult film shot on one of the most polluted beaches in the world. And to help clean it up… we want you to get down and dirty.
Watch the video on Pornhub, and for every view we’ll make a donation to Ocean Polymers to help them in their effort to help preserve our oceans and beaches!
Client: PornHub
Campaign: The Dirtiest Porn Ever
Advertising Agency: Officer & Gentleman, Madrid, Spain
Executive Creative Directors: Javi Iñiguez de Onzoño, Alex Katz
Managing Director: José Ortiz
Account Executive: Alba Domínguez
Art Director: Luis Álvarez
Copywriter: Mónica Gramunt
Agency Producer: Beto P.F.
Production Company: Tsunami Film House
Director: Juan Gama de Cossío
Cinematographer: Paco Gelardo
Film Editor: Alberto Sobreviela
Postproduction: Lag, Javier G. Blasco
VFX: Juls Gars/ Alberto Sobreviela
Colorist: David Castañón
Animation: Vladimir Marchukov
Digital, Spain, Media, PornHub, Officer & Gentleman, PornHub, The Dirtiest Porn Ever, Best Digital Campaigns, Digital Marketing Trends, Best Online marketing strategies, social media campaigns