Renault new digital campaign ‘Renographies’

Renographies, when life is crossed with Renault.
Publicis Argentina developed for Renault the case based on the second stage of the digital campaign “Renographies II”. After a successful first edition last year, this new stage explores the relationship of the users with the cars, under the guidelines of his new identity “Passion for life”.
This second stage of “Renographies” consists of 5 short films where consumers can identify themselves as part of the stories. In these “mini movies” the stories told, speak of people where vehicles play an important role at a given time in their lives. The participating models are: Duster, Logan, Sandero Stepway, Sandero R.S. 2.0, Duster Oroch and Twizy.
This new Renault brand campaign was developed for Latin America, and was shoot in 3 Countries: Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay with a total of 32 locations. The crew traveled more than 25,000 km and involved 300 people of different nationalities in the production during 16 days of filming. The entire campaign was developed by the advertising agency Publicis Argentina.
Agency: Publicis Buenos Aires
Campaign: Renographies II
Country: Argentina
ECD: Fabio Mazia
Creative Director: Paula Kozub
Regional Account Director: Iván Pinzón
Production Company: Landia
Directors: Vellas, Lucas Shannon, Juli Fernandez
Executive Producer: Adrián D’Amario
Audiovisual Producer: Patricia Abelenda
PH Directors: Pierre de Kerchove, Javier Julia
Postproduction Director Coordination: Julián López Cóppola
Clients approval: Eric Pasquier/Marcelo De Carlo/Noel Castillo/Eugenia Guerra