Stop Killing Nature, decided to bring the perpetrators to justice. Their Crime? Killing nature!

Have you heard of Ulyanovsk? It’s a 222 year old city, now in Russia, recognized as the hometown of the Soviet leader, Vladimir Lenin. It’s a little known but a very quaint city offering picturesque views. It is located on the bank of river Volga. This beautiful landscape, however, is becoming a landfill, thanks to the visitors who loiter and litter around in huge quantities., a Russian news portal attempted many a time to bring the attention of the concerned authorities to this problem, but the efforts fell on deaf ears. So this time, teamed up with Creative Gang to come up with their campaign, Stop Killing Nature. A campaign that creatively and effectively addresses this upsetting matter and makes everyone sit up and take notice. After all, it’s the collective action by a few people with a changed (and revolutionary) mindset that can inspire others in a society (in this case the citizens of Ulyanovsk) to follow suit for the better.
What did they do? Early morning, they collected all the waste thrown by the visitors in large pathoanatomical bags. They would do this in one of the most popular sites among the citizens of Ulyanovsk. With a barricade tape, they cordoned off the crime scene, oh yes, the crime scene…because throwing trash in open is a crime against nature. And, after filling the pathoanatomical bags with the trash, they also inserted a short account (leaflet) inside the bag, explaining the necessity of the action.
Every time you leave trash, you kill nature. This “death” is on your conscience.
Campaign: Stop Killing Nature
Advertising Agency: Creative Gang, Ulyanovsk, Russia
Creative Director: Max Besov
Art Director: Mike Kolesov
This article is about:, #Stopkillingthenature, Russia, Public Interest, NGO, Creative Gang, Nature, Creative campaign, Digital campaigns, Awareness campaign, Stop Killing Nature, Ulyanovsk, Ulpressa