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Digital Marketing Campaigns that will light up your Diwali season

Digital Marketing Campaigns that will light up your Diwali season

Best diwali ads 2019

On the auspicious eve of Diwali, India celebrates the victory of light over darkness. People from all religious and traditional walks decorate their homes with diyas, fairy lights, and rangolis. The marketplaces in the country experience an unbelievable influx of visitors dressed in ethnic attires. Religious ceremonies in various sacred institutions mark the symbolic triumph of good against evil. All in all, the entire nation harmoniously lights up resulting in a serene display of communal cheer.

The celebratory atmosphere leading up to the festival of lights also paves the way for various Diwali-themed campaigns. Many instantly recognizable names come up with innovative ideas that integrate the festive spirit with their respective individual brand identities. Various campaigns also advocate for an eco-friendly Diwali devoid of crackers and air-pollution. Every brand that launches a happy Diwali advertisement adds its personalized spin to various creative productions.

Here is a list of the Best Diwali Campaigns 2019:-

OnePlus X Snapchat – Taking Diwali to the World | #OnePlusDiwali

ACC wishes you a very Happy Diwali | ACC Limited

Samsonite – #DiwaliKaSafar

Vivo India – Is Diwali, aao karein #HarDilRoshan

Swiggy India – Iss tyohaar, apno ko wish karo Swiggy ke saath. #HappyDiwaliwithSwiggy

Vodafone – Share #YourWordsNotForwards

Seniority – Diwali Wali #ParentalLeave

#BharatKiLaxmi: Let us celebrate the achievements of Nari Shakti

Cadbury Celebrations – What happens when your family forgets to wish you on Diwali.

Swiggy – Why send forwards when you can send soan papdi.
Swiggy India - Diwali 2019 Ads

Durex India
Diwali Ads 2019 by Durex

Manforce India – Time to blow some fuse.
#celebration #manforce #light #festival
Manforce Condom Diwali 2019


Mad Over Donuts

Best Diwali Ads, Diwali Campaigns 2019, Digital, Social Media, Digital Marketing Campaigns, Best Diwali Campaigns 2019

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