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Think Skin #GiftOfTouch | A hygiene oriented tribute to Louis Braille

Think Skin #GiftOfTouch | A hygiene oriented tribute to Louis Braille

Think skin campaign on world braille day | #giftoftouch

Most of us go about our lives without ever noticing how profoundly the sense of touch affects our perception of the world. Imagine losing it altogether, and picture the stack of anomalies that subsequently emerge in your mind. Carrying a similar awe-inspiring train of thought, Think Skin came up with a campaign called #GiftOfTouch on this World Braille Day.

In this campaign, Future Consumer Limited’s body-wash brand, Think Skin, introduced Braille friendly packaging for their products. The gist of the initiative concerns itself with implementing proper hygiene while celebrating the gift of touch. The video promo of the campaign includes the endorsement of the campaign by Ajay Kumar Reddy, the captain of Indian Men’s Blind Cricket Team. In the visual promotion, poetic visuals and hard-hitting narration work in coalition to bring about an impactful call for action.

We feel that Think Skin’s tribute to Louis Braille has its heart in the right place. It further reinforces the notion that socially responsible advertisement can hit two birds with a single stone.

Think Skin #GiftOfTouch, Future Consumer Limited, World Braille Day, Think Skin Ads, Indian Blind Cricket Team, Product Design, Digital, Advertising, Gift Of Touch, Louis Braille

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