Amazon proves perception wrong, with #WhenAWomanShops

The most important reason why women shop is out in this ad from Amazon India.
You have interpreted it all wrong- the real motivations behind why women are so deeply, madly and truly in love with shopping. It is not something philosophical, spiritual or even scientific. It is something that best expresses womanhood- love and care. Yes, they shop not only for themselves but for you, and for the other members of the family as well. Imagine the last time she bought herself a pair of sandals and she couldn’t resist the urge to get those shiny sports shoes for you. Or a pair of bed covers for the mother-in-law and a shirt for her father-in-law. For her, shopping goes beyond the society’s established norms of ‘pure indulgence’. Deep down her heart, she wants to express her love. And she is never tired to do so.
Amazon India’s social experiment videos takes this simple insight from our everyday life and showcases conversations between a few married couples, trying to understand their POV on why women go crazy over shopping. The conversations are indeed interesting and we all can relate to what these couples have to say. The video concludes with women making a more emphatic point on why they shop highlighting the core message of this video. Watch #WhenAWomanShops and next time you are out there shopping with your mom, girlfriend, wife or sister, you will be more patient in carrying the shopping bags or picking them up way back to home.