Araldite strengthens its bond in India with ‘Bonds That Last Forever’ campaign

Araldite presents ‘Bonds That Last Forever’.
Repair is always better than replace because Araldite can make those memories alive again. So this time if your favourite watch or necklace or cup or anything for that matter breaks, remember Araldite can fix it again forever.
Araldite believes that the lockdown has taught society not to take relationships or material things for granted. Both can suddenly break. Yet connections can grow stronger when material things exchanged between people are looked after. In this challenging time, people cannot step out of their homes to replace broken items; however, should the need arise; they can quickly repair them with an adhesive. They have established and extended this thought through some simple yet effective DIY solutions to upcycle, repair and make essential home décor and furniture around the home.
Advertising Campaign, Digital Film, TV, India, Short Film, Bonds That Last Forever