Bodyform aims to break the “last taboo” for women in sports | Live fearless

No blood should hold us back – and periods shouldn’t stop us from keeping fit. programme to help you keep fit right through your body’s monthly cycle.
Ad Campaign created by London agency AMV BBDO, it’s part of Bodyform’s campaign educating people about how menstruation affects the body at different points in the monthly cycle and giving advice on nutrition and exercise.
Nicola Coronado Bodyform marketing director said “Menstruation really is “the last taboo” for women in sport, simply because we lack knowledge and understanding of this subject area. Using our partnership with St. Mary’s University, Twickenham and UCL will help us to challenge these category stereotypes and transform the consumer mindset when it comes to the perceived barriers around periods and exercise.”
Bodyform has created the Red.Fit hub which provides consumers with direct access to these research findings in an engaging, practical and easy-to-digest medium. Split into four phases, the hub brings together inspirational exercise videos, nutritional information and motivational podcasts brought to life through partnerships with Frame gyms, Leon and an Olympic coach. This content has been designed to be digested at various phases during the menstrual cycle for ultimate benefit. Once finalised, all of the PhD research will be made publically available.
Directed by acclaimed Jones + Tino through Stink, the campaign goes live with a provocative 70” film ‘Blood’, showing women bleeding in different sports, but not letting it stop them.