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Dettol: Get the world ready for your little one. Happy Mother’s Day

Dettol: Get the world ready for your little one. Happy Mother’s Day

dettol mothers day 2016 new mother cotw

Dettol wishes Happy Mother’s Day
Dear Baby,
Welcome to the world. You will learn, discover and explore a lot of things around. And you will always find me by your side. Love, Mom

Dettol Mother’s Day – New Mother

Dear Baby,
You’re coming home! I can’t wait. I don’t know you so well, but I already know I love you very much. Love, Mom

Dettol Mother’s Day – You’re making friends

Dear Baby, looks like you have got lots of new friends to play with, but don’t worry, I’ll always be around- Love, Mom

Dettol Mother’s Day – You’re going places

Dear Baby, I love it when you run towards me and hug me and when you try to chase me down, I know you are a little explorer now and I’ll be guiding you always- Love, Mom

Dettol Mother’s Day – My little babysaurus

Dear Baby, sometimes all the food I cook is rejected by your curious tongue, but I’ll keep cooking until you are full- Love, Mom

Dettol Mother’s Day – Bringing Baby Home

Dear Baby,
Can’t believe you are finally here. You are everything to me & I will ensure everything to keep you safe. Welcome home! Love, Mom #GetTheWorldReady

Dettol: Get the world ready for your little one. Happy Mother’s Day

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