Followfood – In Your Hands

Followfood – In Your Hands shows the contrast between a sad planet, created by bad decisions, and a more hopeful world that’s the result of humankind changing consumption habits for sustainable choices. Le Cube wanted to avoid clichéd portraits of waste and animal cruelty, instead focusing on elegant design and fluid animation.
“We saw the food consumption awareness here at Le Cube transform drastically in the last years, as the eating habits had changed for myself and several colleagues by adopting veganism, vegetarianism or just by searching for local organic grow food instead of industrial. This was a big motivator for us to engage in this project” explains the executive producer Juan Manuel Freire.
After all, industrial food production keeps growing and presenting challenges that the market can’t seem to beat. That’s why the film focuses on the impact of this behaviour and what it means for the future of our planet.
“The message is universal but also something people choose to ignore. What we consume should be picked carefully and with awareness of the trail our food leaves behind it” explains Ralph Karam, the project’s creative director of animation, “the film also has a turning point, a moment where humans realise their mistakes and make a change for the better. This brings a different feel to the animation, with the whole world jumping on board just like the choir joins the song”.
“It was a challenge to not end showing cliché portraits of waste and animal cruelty since they are always so powerful. At Le Cube we have an obsession for elegant designs and fluid movements, so, for this project we work hard to find a way to generate anxiety and an uncomfortable feeling in the watcher portraying a sad world but with special designs, with uniqueness and solid aesthetic.” explains Santiago Oddis, creative director at LeCube.
‘You’ve got the whole world in your hands’, sings the hauntingly beautiful version of the popular song, reminding us that consumers have the power to change all this in their collective hands, something the film shows in its sensible but powerful visual story.
Animation Studio: Le Cube
Director: Ralph Karam
Executive Production: Juan Manuel Freire, Fernanda Soma
Production Manager: Mailén Gayoso
Animation Director: Daniel Duche
Art Director: Santiago Oddis
Illustration: Matheus Muniz, Jonnatan Cardoso, Andrea Devia, Josefina Preumayr
Comp: Ralph Karam, Fernando Lamatinna, Pato Passarelli
2D Animators: Katherine Pryor, Maricel Piazza, Emmanuel Zampalo, Cintia Czeszczewik, David Andrés López, Pablo Rago, Eugenia Beizo, Bruno Brasil, Guadalupe Vyleta
3D Modeling, Shading, Lighting: Fernando Lamattina
Clean-Up: Carlitos Carranza, Laura Desmerys, Andrés Moncalvo, Sofía Fernández, Juliana Gorgati, Carolina Borovich, Julieta Culaciati, David Andrés López, Mariángel Idiarte, Florencia Laurenzi, Gabriela Bosco, Sofía Ruocco
Agency: TankTank GmbH, Hamburg
Client: Followfood GmbH, Friedrichshafen
Marketing Director: Stefan Ruhe
Managing Partner: Jürg Knoll
Creative direction: Till Felber, Stefan Zschaler
AD: Rune Eckhardt, Kristina Düver, Marita Schilling
Copy: Till Felber
Project Management: Nathalie Eckstein, Patrick Plogstedt Strategy: Stefan Zschaler
Agency Production: Alex Butaud
Audio: 2WEI Music
Arrangement: Simon Heeger, Christian Vorländer, Tip van den Bos SoundFX: 2WEI, Björn H. Schulz
Animated Film, Food Sustainability, Followfood, Digital Film