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Give up on jugaad. Go #AntiJugaad with Sulekha

Give up on jugaad. Go #AntiJugaad with Sulekha

antijugaad sulekha

India runs on #Jugaad. But does it work? Not always. Watch this hilarious take on India’s obsession with Jugaad. Go #AntiJugaad with

#Jugaad is often considered a typical Indian innovation. We even have plenty of books around the subject. Remember those quick-fixes and shortcuts we use to solve most of our problems. We are sure you must have tried them sometime in your everyday life. But can Jugaad help a man from saving his wedding day? Perhaps not. makes a brilliant point in this ad by asking the nation to go #AntiJugaad and ask for professional help instead. The TVC takes a unique communication route, a refreshing change from what many brands in the ‘app for help’ space have been trying to do. Now that is how a brand can say something already being said by ten other brands but in a refreshing way! Don’t miss this.


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