Tomba Latas – Pets are not trash
August 27, 2019

Pets are not trash campaign created for the NGO Tomba Latas to raise awareness about the abandonment of animals, the main cause of them living on the streets.
Brand: Tomba Latas
Campaign: Pets are not trash
Advertising Agency: LCT, Curitiba, Brazil
Studio: Easy Filmes
Client: Carla Moraes
Agency Producer: Rafaela Tramontini
Agnecy Producer: Stela Biernaski
Copywriter: Junior Cardoso
Copywriter: Rafael Pavelegini
Art Director: André Luiz Graciano
Art Director: Ricardo Tramontini
Creative Director: Ricardo Tramontini
Ambient, Brazil, Public Interest, NGO, Tomba Latas, LCT, Pets are not trash