Tough people Vs Shock Collars – An eye opener for Inhumane dog trainers

“A dog is a man’s best friend,” but these best friends are often mistreated when it comes to training them with human etiquette. Dog trainers often use Inhumane methods to train dogs, and one of the most common ones is the use of shock collars. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) came forward with Tough people Vs Shock Collars campaign.
The idea is to test these collars on the strongest people of Singapore and see their raw reactions. The SPCA wants people to imagine that if the strongest cannot bear it, how much pain must the voiceless animals be going through?
A spokesperson of Forsman & Bodenfors said that it took three months for this film to come into action. Finally, the team themselves tried wearing shock collars in realtime and very well understood the pain. The SPCA aims to get these inhumane shock collars banned in Singapore, as SPCA executive director Jaipal Singh Gill stated.
The campaign has highlighted an important issue of inhumane animal training. These methods must get banned everywhere else in the world too. Teach With Kindness
Brand: SPCA Singapore
Campaign: Tough People vs Shock Collar