Amarin Corporation presents ‘True to Your Heart’ – Health education campaign

True to Your Heart - Health education campaign

In the United States, 1 in 3 deaths is caused by cardiovascular disease (CVD). Millions have turned to fenofibrate, others to fish oil supplements or niacin, for added protection. But none of these products are FDA approved, nor do they provide any cardiovascular benefit to patients. To educate those living with CVD that they may still be at risk of life-threatening events, The Bloc partnered with Amarin to create health education campaign, an iconic 3D heart and place it around the United States’ busiest city. Through an unbranded TV commercial, website, and targeted banner ads, They’re asking consumers everywhere to rethink their heart health, to evaluate their treatment options with their doctor, and to, most of all, stay true to their hearts.

Campaign: True to Your Heart
Category: Health education campaign
Brand: Amarin Corporation
Advertising Agency: The Bloc