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Women Moving Millions: Give Bold #Get Equal

Women Moving Millions: Give Bold #Get Equal

Women Moving Millions, Give Bold. Get Equal.

Women Moving Millions: With equal funding, we can ensure equal rights, equal pay and equal power.
Give Bold. #GetEqual

The current pandemic threatens to reverse the progress made to improve the safety, health, and opportunity for women around the world, especially for women of color.

Women Moving Millions: Give Bold. Get Equal.

The stakes for gender equality have never been higher. The call for leadership has never been louder.

Together we have the creativity, connections, and resources to champion the cause and lead the change. By closing the funding gap, we can take action to address the systemic and cultural barriers to equality that continue to affect the lives of millions of women globally.


This campaign is about:
Gender Equality, Women Moving Millions, Gender-equal world, Women Rights, Awareness, Public Interest