Worldpride Copenhagen 2021 presents ‘About Time’, a film which inform and inspire change

The global pandemic resulted in most of the globe experiencing isolation, social distancing, and restrictions. These conditions are nothing new to the LGBTI+ community, which, through history, still has to find a way to navigate life within the restrictions set by society. The 60-second film released by Worldpride Copenhagen 2021 tackles these issues in what appears to be a film with the narrative we’ve become familiar with during the pandemic. People in isolation are coping with their new normal. The film is, however, filled with double meanings and metaphors of LGBTI+ issues. It ends with the sad message: “The restrictions are about to end. But not for all”.
Worldpride Copenhagen 2021 – ‘About Time’ follows real LGBTI+ people in scenarios where restrictions truly affect the way we live.
The two directors of the film say:
“The reasoning for the comparison is that no one would argue after experiencing the lockdown, that it wasn’t damaging to mental health. This is an important message: we need to fight harder for the mental health of the LGBTI+ community.” –Jacob Matthiesen
Worldpride is taking place in Copenhagen 2021 this week with the campaign name #YouAreIncluded.
The film was created like the intent of the event – to make as many people included.
“In order to include as many as possible in the messaging we’ve tried to make people aware that they know what the LGBTI+ community is going through – way better than they think they do.”
Kavian Borhani
The entire cast in the film is LGBTI+ people and was cast to portray a realistic and not caricatured image of the community. They all had experiences with restrictions, who, like the title implies, think it’s ‘About time’ the restrictions are being lifted. The directors are Jacob Matthiesen, Art Director at Ogilvy Denmark, and Kavian Borhani, freelance photographer.
Campaign: About Time
Client: Worldpride Copenhagen 2021
Sound Designer: Nis Nørregaard
Music composer: 10dB/Anders Singh Vesterdahl
Editing: Comfort Oasis
Colourist: Mariam Latif v. Cameo Film
VFX: Comfort Oasis
Sound Editing: Comfort Oasis
DOP: Kavian Borhani
Speak: Dia Jovanovic
Art Director: Jacob Matthiesen
Produktionsleder: Frida Paus
MUA: Diana Moisa
Location: Anders Giversen
Location: Skabelonloftet
Drone: Bjarne Bredal