WorldPride with Airbnb – Many generations. One celebration.

WorldPride with Airbnb – Connecting 50 years of Pride
In honor of the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising, LGBTQ+ activists, artists, and everyday heroes across generations came together to have a conversation about what Pride means to them.
Stop by the Airbnb pop-up space, as we celebrate LGBTQ+ changemakers of the last 50 years with special events and limited-edition Airbnb Experiences. 100% of proceeds go to local nonprofits.
About Airbnb
Airbnb is a platform that connects people from around the world to incredible places to stay and interesting things to do. Whether an apartment for a night, a castle for a week, or salsa lessons in Havana to help you truly live there. The Airbnb community aims to create a world where all 7.5 billion people can belong anywhere.
Lujira Cooper: Stonewall Veteran and Writer
Frankie Giangarra: Camp Counselor
Marcia Gilbert: Designer
Richard Haines: Artist
Fatima Jamal: Artist and Activist
Brigid McGinn: Activist with Gays Against Guns and Educator
Kenrick Prince: Film Director
Barbara Rosen: Stonewall Vete
ran and Board of Directors at SAGE
Scott Shigeoka: Designer and Storyteller
Mohammad “Momo” Ullah: Activist
Charles “Val” Valentino: Stonewall Veteran & Singer of Gay Anthem ‘Born This Way’
Leah Wasilewski: Artist
Production Company: Curfew
Partners: Spencer Dennis, Mark Smith
Executive Producer: Kathryn Berk
Line Producer: Anna Pitman
Director: Ivan Cash
Director of Photography: Peter Pascucci
Editor: Erik Aull
Composer: Roger Neil
Post Producer: Jake Kolton
Mix & Color: Mission Film & Design
Client: Airbnb
Executive Producer: Lindsey Linger
Executive Creative Director: Tony Hogqvist
Marketing Director: Andrew Speyer
Marketing Manager: Anne Mueller
Creative Lead: Ivan Cash, Christian Rongavilla, Roger Hoard
Producer: Julia Pepe
Partnership Lead: Sanna Akhter
SAGE Senior Digital Content Manager: Anna Wahrman
Copywriter: Cameron Hamlet
Design Lead: Santiago Carrasquilla
Designer: Sungpyo Hong
Production Coordinator: Sofia Aguilar, Emily Lin
Social Lead: Deepti Sataluri
Digital Media: Dwight Pirtle
LGBTQ+, SAGE, LGBTQ+ changemakers, SAGE, Pride, Digital Film, WorldPride, LGBTQ Pride, LGBTQ rights, LGBTQ+ community