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Bernie Sanders is calling for a political revolution to bring people together and take big money out of politics #Together

Bernie Sanders is calling for a political revolution to bring people together and take big money out of politics #Together

Sanders together cotw


BERNIE SANDERS is a self-described democratic socialist and progressive who is calling for a political revolution to bring people together and take big money out of politics. Instead of raising money with a Super PAC, his campaign has received a record-breaking 3.5 million individual contributions averaging $27 each.

Finally, for the first time in decades we have a somebody with INTEGRITY, who finally wants to take corruption and dirty money out of the political sphere. Bernie Sanders is truly a once-in-a-lifetime politician – we may never see somebody like him again and this may be our only chance to finally overhaul our entire system of government. It’s a simple fact of life that our politicians are bought and paid for in the form of bribes aka “campaign donations,” and there is nobody more guilty of that than Hillary Clinton who is a corporate sellout of the worst kind. She has been bought and funded by Wall Street, large corporations including Monsanto and Private Prisons among others.

Any amount you want to give is fine but it’s time for we the people to come together and tell Washington and it’s dirty politicians, “NO MORE.” Donate by clicking here

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