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Two Examples of How Technology is Impacting Business Operations

Two Examples of How Technology is Impacting Business Operations

Two examples of how technology is impacting business operations, campaigns of the world

In the world of business, technology is everywhere and ever-evolving. It can be used to improve efficiency, drive productivity gains, and even improve worker safety. For example, millions of businesses now incorporate chatbot technology into their company websites. This can save time and money by directing customers to specific FAQ webpages when they have a common question or query that needs to be answered. Such systems reduce the need for a large customer service team and can successfully automate some key parts of the customer service operation.

This is just one example of how technology can improve business operations. The following article contains two unique ways that modern technology is having an impact on business operations.

Two examples of how technology is impacting business operations, campaigns of the world

Cloud-based services supporting remote working

Millions of workers now enjoy remote and hybrid models of work. For many, this new way of working was first rolled out in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Governments around the world needed to slow the spread of the infection rate to protect key healthcare services from being overwhelmed. They did this by instigating lockdowns and placing restrictions on group congregations. Businesses needed to evolve to meet these new challenges and swiftly moved to cloud-based services that supported remote working arrangements.

However, now the worst effects of COVID-19 have passed, remote working remains popular with both employers and employees. Staff find that remote working can improve their work-life balance by giving them additional freedom in how they approach their working week and eliminating non-essential commuting journeys.

However, with the rise in cloud-based business applications comes the need to monitor and manage them effectively. Companies that rely on Kubernetes online IT systems are increasingly utilizing unified control planes such as the k8s ingress controller.

This platform allows IT staff to effectively manage, deploy, and monitor the performance of their online digital assets. Protocols can be set up to ensure that alerts are issued when abnormal traffic requests or traffic volumes impact on the system. This can improve the cybersecurity of a firm with a cloud-based IT infrastructure. In addition, the efficient operation and communication of various programs, applications, and pieces of code can be monitored, ensuring the continued peak performance of online services.

Drone technology in factory environments

In many factory environments, there are numerous risks to the workforce. For example, staff who need to monitor equipment and inspect the site may need to work from height on occasion. They may also need to work in potentially hazardous environments when they’re close to dangerous chemicals or extremes in temperature.

Thankfully, in 2024, many factories are starting to use automated drone technology in these roles. Drone tech has advanced to the point where they can be flown with extreme precision by skilled operators. They can be fitted with high-definition cameras to accurately monitor and inspect factory environments. This can eliminate the need for human staff to work from height when inspecting machinery and reduces the need for them to work in unsafe environments.

In short, drone technology is beginning to play a significant role in improving worker safety in a factory environment. It’s likely that this technology will continue to be adopted by a growing number of industrial firms as the benefits of it continue to be realized.