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How to Monitor Network Failure

How to Monitor Network Failure

How to Monitor Network Failure

Network failure is one of the biggest problems for businesses that can disturb the normal workflow resulting in downfall and delays. Network failure can result from hardware or software problems, security issues, or IP address conflicts. Monitoring network failure is important to solve all these issues and make sure that your network is functioning well. By following a few simple steps, you can effectively monitor network failure.

How to Monitor Network Failure

Here are some easy steps to monitor network traffic. Let’s have a look!

Define the Problem

The first step in monitoring a network failure is clearly defining the problem. Look whether the whole network is down or there is a problem with any specific section. Also, check whether it is connectivity loss or speed issues. Defining the exact problem will give you a roadmap to effectively monitor and manage the network failure, saving time and effort.

Test Network Connectivity

The next step to monitor network failure is to test network connectivity. You can easily test network connectivity by using simple tools such as ping. Also, check network cables and Wi-Fi connections and make sure that all devices are connected to the right hardware. If devices cannot connect, there may be a problem with your network hardware.

Check Bandwidth Usage and Network Traffic

After testing the connectivity, check network bandwidth and traffic. High bandwidth usage and traffic can also result in network failure. You can use any network monitoring tool to check bandwidth usage and traffic. Also, check for sudden rises in traffic, as it can result from a DDoS attack.

Check Network Security and Perform a DNS Check

Security breaches can also lead to network failure. So, carefully check network security and look for any breaches or unauthorized access. Also, perform a DNS or Domain Name System Check to make sure that all domain names are translated into the correct IP address.

Monitor IP Address Conflicts

IP address conflicts occur when two devices are assigned with the same IP address. So, perform an IP address scan to make sure that all the devices are assigned with different IP addresses. To avoid IP address conflict, you can check the location of your IP address yourself. Knowing your IP address location can help you identify any conflicts and solve them quickly.

Conduct Troubleshooting and Implement Solutions

After finding the issue and collecting all the information, it’s time to conduct troubleshooting and implementing solutions. This may involve updating software, changing hardware, or configuring network settings.