Miles From Water – A campaign created by AMA Water, a socially responsible brand, from AB InBev

Miles From Water, campaigns of the world, AB InBev

Miles From Water – Helping people visualize the long distance walked by those who don’t have access to clean drinking water.

A project that uses 100% of its profits to develop clean-water projects in the Brazilian semiarid region. Developed by Beta Collective in Brazil and launched during International Water Day.

Campaign: Miles From Water
Client: AB InBev – AMA
Advertising Agency: Beta Collective, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Director: Bernardo Tavares
Art Director: Renan Valadares
Copywriter: Bernardo Tavares
Copywriter: Lucas Vidigal
Assistant Art Director: Arthur Mourão
Illustration: La Minna
Marketing Manager: Gustavo Sartori
Marketing Director: Daniela Dib
Marketing Director: Daniel Silber
Illustration Agent: Xando Franzolim
Illustration Agency: Oio

Tag: Awareness Campaign, Social Impact campaign, AB InBev Ads, Clean drinking water campaigns, Brazil