Burger King: The Traffic Jam Whopper – An End To Hunger Pangs in Gridlocks

The idea of food being delivered to a car stuck in a traffic jam is certainly a unique one. In its best OOH campaign called the Traffic Jam Whopper, Burger King turned the metropolitan calamity of a traffic jam into an avenue for more business. By collecting real-time data about gridlocks in various parts of Mexico City, the fast food manufacturer provided deliveries on-the-go to potential customers. The advertisement for the campaign was done dynamically using electronic billboards spread throughout the city. Moreover, banner ads and push notifications also notified drivers stuck in traffic jams that they can order food while navigating their way through the congestions. The google maps API helped the fast food chain to connect with buyers who ordered burgers while on the move. Moreover, the delivery zones kept updating themselves along with the traffic, thereby providing delivery options within 3 km of available Burger King outlets.
The promotional video for the campaign was created by an advertising house called We Believers. It depicted how the campaign was executed in real-time without expediting the chances of a traffic hazard. The campaign resulted in a 63% increase in delivery orders for Burger King. The daily app download rate also increased a whopping 44 times. All in all, the Traffic Jam Whopper campaign helped Burger King become the number one fast food app in Mexico.
The brand has already announced an expansion plan for this campaign. The Traffic Jam Whopper is expected to be live in Sao Paulo, Shanghai, and Los Angeles very soon.
Title: The Traffic Jam Whopper
Brand/Client: Burger King Mexico/Global
Product/Service: Burger King Delivery
Agency: We Believers
City / Country: New York / USA
Chief Creative Officer: Gustavo Lauria
Executive Creative Director: Patricio Elfi
Creative Director: Santiago Luna Lupo
Copywriter: Gustavo Lauria, Santiago Luna Lupo
Art Director: Patricio Elfi
Head of art: Diego Grandi
Head of Production: Marcia Jaes
Chief Strategic Officer: Marco Vega
Head of Client Service: José Quijano
Account Supervisor: Juan Cano
Creative Coordinator: Lupita Alvarez
Development Coordinator: Pablo Salazar
Digital Development company: No Smoking
Head of digital development: Matias Aguilar
UX Designer: Gabriel Da Silva Valer
Production Company: Central Films
Director: Kane Kwick
Director of Photography: Jordi Planell
Executive producer: Paco Juarez/ Mauricio Francini
Editor: Diego Panich
Music House – Music Publisher: Pickle Music
Composer: Alexis Estiz
Sound Design and Mix: Dario Calequi
Music House Producer: Adriana Correa, María Ines Velez
Post Production/ VFX:
Central Films/ Patricia Guerra
Bonsai3/ Flavio Dumaine/ Swan Glacer
Burger King dvertisements, Burger King, The Traffic Jam Whopper, We Believers, OOH Advertising, Best Outdoor Advertising Campaigns, Best OOH campaigns, Best Outdoor Ads