Honda – The Awareness traffic light

Awareness traffic light by Honda

Honda Safety is Honda’s department whose mission is to promote the practice of safe driving. To raise awareness of the importance of helmet use. Awareness traffic light campaign was developed in the Municipality of Campana.

“The objective of Awareness traffic light was to put the issue of helmet use back on the agenda. For that we needed a disruptive idea. We chose technology as a facilitator of this need,” said Walter Onorato of Almacén.

María Fernanda Ledesma Padilla, deputy marketing manager of Honda, added: “The traffic light was the excuse for everyone to talk again about the importance of wearing the helmet. We knew that our final challenge was to change the bad habit of 4 out of 10 people riding a motorcycle in Argentina.”

Advertising Agency: Almacén, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Campaign: Awareness traffic light
Client: Honda Motor of Argentina
Product: Honda Safety