IKEA Store House – A place where refugees can dream at night

IKEA Store House

We’re quick to forget our privilege when life strips us away of comfort. However, there are people in the world who face challenges that are unfathomable for the minds of urban residents. Refugees are one such group of people. They face a myriad of problems in their lifetime, but there’s one adversity that hits them the hardest — the lack of a place to stay. When a refugee moves into a new country, he/she does so with neither the financial resources nor the proper documentation to find a new home. IKEA has come up with a new campaign called IKEA Store House to help refugees tackle their biggest problem.

IKEA Store House is a simplistic initiative that enables refugees to find shelter in IKEA showrooms after the store hours end. Refugees can spend their nights with comfort without worrying about the dangers that come with living without a roof over their head.

We feel that this initiative lends a helping hand in the fight against a global problem. It is a philanthropic endeavour that will immortalize IKEA in the eyes of those who hold humanity above everything else.

IKEA Store House, OOH Advertising, Best Outdoor Advertising Campaigns, Best OOH campaigns, Best Outdoor Ads