Makro’s Life Extending Stickers: A Simple Trick to Cut Food Waste and Save Money!

How Makro’s Life Extending Stickers Are Reducing Food Waste and Saving Money.
Food waste is a growing global concern, and Colombia is no exception. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the National Department of Planning, an astonishing 6.1 million tons of food are wasted annually in the country, with 40% of this waste consisting of fruits and vegetables. Recognizing this issue, Makro Supermarkets has taken a bold step toward sustainability by launching an innovative initiative to combat food waste while helping consumers save money.
The Innovative Solution: Life Extending Stickers
Makro introduced a simple yet effective solution—Life Extending Stickers—to encourage the consumption of fruits and vegetables at every stage of ripeness. Traditionally, consumers avoid buying overly ripe produce due to cosmetic reasons, leading to unnecessary waste. However, these biodegradable, eco-friendly stickers provide guidance on how to use fruits and vegetables at different ripeness levels, ensuring nothing goes to waste.
How Do Life Extending Stickers Work?
Makro leveraged a familiar yet underutilized medium—the fruit sticker—to educate customers on food preservation. Printed with ecological ink on biodegradable material, these stickers suggest recipes based on the fruit’s ripeness, allowing consumers to make the most of their produce. No technology is needed—just a simple color-coded system to indicate when and how to use fruits and vegetables effectively.
Targeting the Most Wasted Fruits and Vegetables
According to data from the National Department of Planning (DNP), the five most wasted fruits and vegetables in Colombia are:
- Tomato
- Banana
- Avocado
- Mango
- Papaya
Makro strategically placed Life Extending Stickers on these items and organized supermarket displays based on their ripeness level. Additionally, the pricing strategy was adjusted—the riper the fruit, the cheaper it became—encouraging shoppers to purchase produce at different stages while saving money.
An Engaging Shopping Experience
To raise awareness and educate customers, Makro launched a marketing campaign using social media and in-store promotions. Customers visiting Makro supermarkets were invited to experience firsthand how the stickers work. Trained promoters guided shoppers through the fresh produce section, explaining the benefits of the stickers and providing recipe ideas. Customers were even treated to tastings of dishes made with ripe fruits and vegetables, proving their freshness and flavor.
A Sustainable Future with Less Waste
Makro’s Life Extending Stickers not only help reduce food waste but also empower consumers to adopt sustainable shopping habits. By making informed choices, shoppers can reduce their food expenses, enjoy fresh produce at all stages, and contribute to a more sustainable future.
Through this innovative initiative, Makro Supermarkets is demonstrating how simple, cost-effective solutions can make a big impact in the fight against food waste. By educating consumers and providing practical tools, Makro is paving the way for a waste-free, budget-friendly, and sustainable shopping experience for all.
Agency: VML & Grey Colombia / Bogotá
Client Makro