Movimento SuperAção: Sidewalk Walls – When graffiti meets activism

According to the 2010 report published by The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, 45 million people stated that they lived with at least one disability. The report also provided some insights about Sao Paulo. It stated that only 9% of the sidewalks in the city are wheelchair-friendly. Despite the steady progress that our society is making towards becoming more inclusive, the issue of sidewalks without ramps in Sao Polo has gone unnoticed. To shed some light on this architectural problem, a non-government organization called Movimento SuperAção partnered with graffiti artists. The invited artists painted the graffiti on the city’s walls onto the sidewalks without ramps (Sidewalk Walls). As of now, 14 sidewalks in Sao Polo have been painted by street artists in the pursuit of the campaign’s cause. The message being portrayed in the initiative is that for people moving on wheelchairs, a sidewalk is equivalent to a wall if it doesn’t have a ramp installed on it.
Without Ramps, Sidewalks Are Walls
The campaign was conceptualized as well brought to life by Z+ Sao Paulo. The promotional video complementing the campaign depicted the initiative being brought to life by the city’s graffiti artists. The imagery presented in the digital advertisement portrayed the sidewalks from the perspective of a disabled person. At the end of the video, the NGO displayed a call for action and invited supporters of the campaign to join the movement on Instagram.
We feel that this campaign brings the needs of a valued community into focus. It further reinforces the idea that art has the power to bring about inclusion and meaningful change in our society.
Brand: Movimento SuperAção
Campaign: Sidewalk Walls
Advertising Agency: Z+, Brazil
Chief Creative Officer: Alexandre Vilela
Creative Directors: Alexandre Vilela, Tarso Soares, Célio Salles
Creation: Alexandre Lage, Melissa Potker, Ivan Montebello, Rodrigo Seixas, Gustavo Zotini
Projects: Rafael Coelho, Danilo Ferreira
Developers: Luiz Giusti, Hiago Lima
RTV Production: Diego Cagnani, Carol Reis
Graphics Production: Carlos Vieira
Art Buyer: Beatriz Rossi
Producer: Cromo Filmes
Directors: Thiago Siqueira, Lucas Mello
Photography Director: Hyran de Mula
Editors: Gabriela Dias, Francisco Filho
Audio Producer: Coletiva Produtora
Music: Coletiva Produtora
Photography: Genga Estúdio, Vitor Garcia, Rodrigo Seixas, Alexandre Lage
Approval: Billy Saga
Experiential, Brazil, Public Interest, NGO, Movimento SuperAção, Z+, Sidewalks Are Walls, Sidewalk Walls, Graffiti Artists, OOH Advertising, Best Outdoor Advertising Campaigns, Best OOH campaigns, Best Outdoor Ads