National Muslim Collective: Inherit His Name, Inherit His Way

National Muslim Collective turning consecration into a movement for water conservation through campaign Inherit His Name, Inherit His Way.
Brief: For a Muslim praying 5 times a day and cleansing oneself before prayer, also known as ablution, is mandatory. Studies have shown that on average 7L of water is wasted per ablution. Our task was to create a behavioural change to reduce such wastage.
Insight: Over 90% of Sri Lankan muslims have the name Muhammad (peace be upon him) or a derivative of it. Having his name is regarded as an honour and a commitment to inherit his ways.
Idea: We identified prophet’s way of ablution and came across the mudd. A measurement tool, prophet used just IMudd = 628ml (approx) to conduct ablution. So we redesigned the mudd using environment friendly clay and included an authentic narration from prophet on conserving water. On world water day which also happened to be a Friday, which has the largest gathering at mosques,the mudd was introduced and people were educated on using the mudd as prophet did.
Client: National Muslim Collective
Advertising Agency: Triad, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Ambient marketing, Guerrilla Marketing