Visible: Unlimited massages

Unlimited massages by Visible

To drive awareness at both a national and local level simultaneously, Visible leveraged OOH, digital, and experiential tactics to design and execute a conversation-worthy creative marketing campaign Unlimited massages in Denver.

Unlimited massages by Visible

Capitalizing on the popular ‘fail’ Internet trend, this campaign launched with several billboards in the downtown Denver area featuring one big ‘typo’. Rather than offering ‘unlimited messages, minutes, and data’, these Visible billboards promised consumers’ unlimited massages, minutes, and data’. We leveraged several influencers to jumpstart the conversation around this #adfail on social. As conversation increased, our community management team engaged with consumers to remind them that, at Visible, what you see is what you get – even if that means unlimited massages. Accordingly, the stunt culminated in a highly attended in-person ‘unlimited massages’ event two weeks later at the heavily foot-trafficked Union Station in the heart of Denver.

This campaign is about:
Visible, Outdoor Campaign, OOH, Billboard, Experiential campaign, Marketing campaign