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Axel Hotels urges the LGBTQ community to #SaveYourAss via pillows against AIDS

Axel Hotels urges the LGBTQ community to #SaveYourAss via pillows against AIDS

Axel hotels - save your ass | pillows against aids

Axel Hotels is a hotel chain that focuses on the gay community. But above all, it is a free space where diversity and anyone without prejudice to their sexual orientation is well received, valued and respected. Ahead of the World AIDS Day, Axel Hotels decided to inform their customers about the importance of using condoms for a safe and enjoyable sex through Save Your Ass pillows which are used to communicate a direct message of using condoms to prevent themselves from the dangers of AIDS.

Research proves that the use of condoms around the world is going down and it is not a good sign. Such reckless and absent-minded behaviour (even if it is out of passion) leads to AIDS. As per UNAIDS, the use of condoms is declining in a disturbing manner and this can affect the objective of terminating AIDS epidemic in the year 2030.

This World AIDS Day, Axel Hotel’s customers were amazed to see something new in their rooms as they lay on their bed. They could not ignore the pillows on the bed that shouted: “Save Your Ass” with two condoms packets of HEX lying around for happy and safe sex.

We think that it’s a great way to directly communicate (and in private) to the customers without intruding their privacy about the importance of having safe sex to prevent AIDS and its epidemic.

World AIDS Day, AIDS campaign, Axel Hotels, LGBT community, Sex, Condom, Safe Sex, Save Your Ass, GLBT community, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, AIDS day ads

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