Calvin Klein Spring 2016 Ad Campaign – #mycalvins

Calvin Klein Underwear rolled out their #mycalvins campaign and it is already causing a stir with people accusing the advertisements of being sexist.
The ad campaign in question showed Fetty Wap ‘making money’ in his Calvins, his shot was closely cropped and missing a vital part of any Calvin Klein advertisement – skin. Right next to this was actress Klara Kristin, who was shown with her dress hiked up ‘seducing’ in her calvins.
#mycalvins campaign launched via Instagram, the basis of the campaign consists of individual photos of various celebs with the words “I _____ in #mycalvins” overlaid onto each image in CK’s iconic font. A different word fills in the blank for each celeb. Biebs for example, “dreams” in #hiscalvins, Kendrick “reflects” in his, FKA twigs “excels” in hers, ad infinitum.

Calvin Klein Spring 2016 Global Advertising Campaign
Shot by photographer and filmmaker Tyrone Lebon, the Spring 2016 Calvin Klein global advertising campaign presents a diverse cast that ranges from global superstars, actors, rappers, artists and models to street cast talent. Those featured include Justin Bieber, Kendall Jenner, Kendrick Lamar, FKA twigs, Fetty Wap, Klara Kristin, Joey Badass, Abbey Lee Kershaw, Adwoa Aboah, Saskia de Brauw, Destiny Frasqueri, Sung Jin Park and more.
Heidi Zak of ThirdLove on Calvin Klein #MyCalvins Billboard NYC
Earlier this month, popular apparel line Calvin Klein put up a new billboard advertisement in Soho, New York City for its Spring 2016 #MyCalvins campaign.
“We are asking that Calvin Klein do the right thing and remove this offensive billboard IMMEDIATELY!
The advertisement shows actress Klara Kristin in her Calvins with the text “I seduce in #mycalvins”, directly alongside male rapper Fetty Wap with the text “I make money in #mycalvins”.
The billboard propagates an archaic and offensive gender stereotype that women are nothing more than sexual objects, while men are the breadwinners. Calvin Klein has a vast assortment of content for this campaign, so we find it appalling that the company chose to put these two images side by side in one of the most highly visible intersections in the country.”
The billboard is not an issue anymore, as it was taken down over the weekend. Though the Calvin Klein team say it had nothing to do with Zak’s reaction.
“This billboard was taken down overnight as part of the planned rotation of our spring 2016 advertising campaign,” read a statement Calvin Klein’s PR team provided Refinery29. “We take all of our consumers’ concerns seriously and as a global brand, we promote gender equality and the breakdown of gender stereotypes across the world.”