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Door Step School: World’s 1st Streets Named After Street Kids

Door Step School: World’s 1st Streets Named After Street Kids

Door step school: world's 1st streets named after street kids

For kids born into the slums of Mumbai, education is not a priority. Quick money and fame are. After all, they are surrounded by all the wrong role models.

The Door Step School wanted to inspire kids to believe in the power of school so they created the world’s first ‘Streets Named After Street Kids’.

The teachers at Door Step School selected kids that were excelling at school against the odds. And Door Step School celebrated them by naming the slum streets they lived on, after them! Imagine having a road named after you when you’re only 12 years old. The entire slum community witnessed the road-naming ceremonies inaugurated by a local TV star, politician and a govt. Welfare board official.

India has tens of thousands of slum by-lanes. And none of them have names. Imagine the number of children we could inspire.

The idea was to name the streets in the slums after the kids who were toppers in school. And publicly celebrate these ‘achiever’ children. Entire slum communities were invited to the event, which was held over two days. A famous tv star, a local politician and a bureaucrat found the time to ‘inaugurate’ the new roads, speak to the kids and their parents, and thus motivate the kids to stay in school and build a future for themselves.

Advertiser: Door Step School
Advertising Agency: FCB Interface, India
Title: World’s 1st Streets Named After Street Kids
Media: Ambient
Category: Education
Geo: India