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The Tubeless Toothpaste Revolution: Kintab’s Innovative Toothpaste Tablets and Eco-Friendly Sleeve Packaging

The Tubeless Toothpaste Revolution: Kintab’s Innovative Toothpaste Tablets and Eco-Friendly Sleeve Packaging

The tubeless toothpaste, kintab, toothpaste tablets, campaigns of the world

The Tubeless Toothpaste – A simple redesign can do wonders to everyday products

Toothpaste tubes are discarded in large quantities annually, contributing to the pollution of oceans and landfills as they take years to biodegrade. In an effort to address the unsustainable practices within the oral care industry in the Philippines, a local start-up brand named Kintab emerged. Their innovative solution involved the creation of toothpaste tablets that functioned similarly to traditional toothpaste. However, these tablets were packaged in peculiar jars, deviating from the familiar appearance of toothpaste tubes that most consumers were accustomed to.

In order to encourage spontaneous product trials without fundamentally altering the form, a sleeve was developed to give the impression of a larger tube for the small bottle. The market was subjected to testing of these sleeves, resulting in a significant increase in the number of individuals opting for the product. Moreover, the sleeves themselves can be recycled in-store, allowing customers to take home the compact packages, which contain all the necessary components for brushing their teeth.

Campaign: The Tubeless Toothpaste
Client: Kintab
Office: BBDO Guerrero