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Son De Miel: Last Straw – Waste straws are now supporting life

Son De Miel: Last Straw – Waste straws are now supporting life

Last straw - son de miel

Plastic pollution has been posing a threat to the climate of the whole world. The danger is not only limited to the environment but also life. Plastics cause harm to our lives, the lives of aquatic animals, and the animals and organisms in the wild. In partnership with Son De Miel, Isobar started a new campaign ‘Last Straw’, where they can use the waste straws to help in the growth of the most important species of bees for pollination, “Apis Mellifera.”

Through extensive research, Isobar found that artificial honeycombs are made from the same material as plastic straws. It was also found out that the size of each honeycomb cell is the same as the commonly used straws, and so the researchers figured out a way to combine waste sterilized straws into an artificial beehive. The impressive results show that 300 straws can support the life of 4000 new bees. The artificial beehives have been sent to apiaries all over the world. Isobar also created a campaign to motivate people to make their next straw, ‘ The last straw.’

Last straw - son de miel

Waste management and recycling have been a great aid in reversing climate change. People are trying to create more new and advanced ways to recycle waste in something useful. This campaign is an excellent example of how innovation and research can come together to create wonder.

Agency: Isobar Mexico / Mexico City
Brand: Son De Miel
Campaign: Last Straw