The Booster Tag – An everyday alarm for your child’s road safety

Road safety is an important thing, and when it comes to the protection of one’s child, it gets even more critical. The Australian child restraint laws consider a child’s age an indicator of when a child should move out of a booster seat. Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV) and Transport Accident Commission (TAC) launched this campaign to place the Booster seat Icon on the clothing tags on all the clothing fit for the children below the height of 145 cm. The booster tag will remind all the parents because if the clothing still fits their child, he probably hasn’t attained the height of 145 cm yet.
Experiential researches show that height is a more appropriate and precise indicator. The researchers also indicate that 97% of children turn seven by the time they do not attain the height of 145 cm.
The initiative gets even easier to implement since the size of Australian clothing is standardized. Every Australian clothing brand can adopt the booster seat Icon since the icon is open-sourced.
The result of this campaign has been very positive since there are already many brands partnering with them.
Brand: RACV and TAC
Campaign: The Booster Tag
Advertising Agency: CHE Proximity